Conway Hospitality Business Sales Victoria

Confidentiality Agreement

To obtain business enquiry details, complete and send the following Confidentiality Agreement online form. Please note that all fields must be completed in order to send the form.

Alternatively, you may download a PDF version of the form by clicking the button to the right.

The recipient named hereon acknowledges and agrees with the provider, Conway Commercial, that:

  1. All information provided by Conway Commercial to the recipient is for the benefit of the recipient only and not for use or benefit to any third party whosoever (other than the recipient's Accountant, Solicitor, Bank Manager) without the permission of Conway Commercial first had and obtained.
  2. The information provided to the recipient is for the purpose of considering the business information supplied.
  3. The recipient acknowledges that all written information provided by Conway Commercial and the Vendor always remains the property of Conway Commercial and/or the Vendor.
  4. The recipient expressly undertakes not to directly or indirectly contact anyone who is employed in, owns or is a client of the said business.
  5. The recipient expressly undertakes not to use the information contained herein for any purpose other than purchasing the business through Conway Commercial as agent for the Vendor.
  6. The profile and any other information generated by Conway Commercial and provided to the recipient is based on information supplied by the Vendor of the business. Conway Commercial, it's management and officers disclaim any express or implied warranty relating to the accuracy of the information provided. Acceptance of the profile and any other information constitutes acceptance of this disclaimer, which the recipient acknowledges with signature hereto.
  7. The recipient agrees to return all written information to Conway Commercial within thirty (30) days of the date of accepting the same from Conway Commercial.
  8. The recipient acknowledges that Conway Commercial advises the recipient to seek independent accounting and legal advice in relation to the information provided.

Check this box to indicate that you have read and agree to the above terms and conditions and, that you have authority to proceed with this request.
Download PDF
Click above to download a PDF
version of the Confidentiality
Agreement to fax or post.